Open Place is not a crisis service. If you or someone close to you is in distress or immediate danger, call 000 (triple zero) as soon as possible. For free, 24/7 support, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.

Here is an extensive list of mental health support services:


We offer counselling to support Forgotten Australians and your direct family members. Many Forgotten Australians we work with have used this service and have told us that it’s been a positive experience for them.


What is counselling?

Counselling gives you the chance to talk privately with a trained professional who can listen, offer support, advice, and share new ways of thinking about any challenges that you’re facing. We know that deciding to reach out for help can be difficult, and the idea of talking to someone you don’t know about your personal problems can be hard.

However, many Forgotten Australians and their family members have told us that counselling has helped them to come to terms with past experiences and to find practical ways to resolve current problems.


What support is available for Forgotten Australians?

We will pay for ongoing counselling services for Forgotten Australians across Victoria and throughout Australia.

There are no requirements to access our counselling service, other than confirming your time in ‘care’.

You can choose a counsellor yourself or we can help recommend or find a suitable and qualified person who knows about what has happened to Forgotten Australians.

We also have 3 counsellors on our staff who support Forgotten Australians through individual counselling sessions and group programs.


What support is available for family members?

We will pay for up to 12 counselling sessions for family members of Victorian Forgotten Australians across Victoria and throughout Australia.

Immediate family members (spouse, life partner, siblings, parents and children) of Forgotten Australians can have counselling arranged in their local area at no cost.

Your family member can choose a counsellor, or we can help recommend and find a suitable and qualified person who knows about what has happened to Forgotten Australians.

We also have 3 counsellors on our staff who can provide counselling to family members. From time to time, they may also run groups to support family members.


How do I get started?

If you think that counselling might be helpful for you or someone in your family, please send us an online enquiry or phone 1800 779 379 and ask to talk to our friendly counselling team.

Our staff will talk with you about what you need and help to organise counselling with an experienced person who knows about what happened to Forgotten Australians.