Relationships Australia Victoria the new provider of Open Place



On 1 July 2020, Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) was honoured to commence as the new provider of the Open Place support service for Forgotten Australians / Pre-1990 Care Leavers.

As announced in our media release, we’re pleased to acknowledge this event with a video that welcomes all Open Place staff, service users and stakeholders to RAV.

The video features Dr Andrew Bickerdike, RAV CEO; Ash Dargan, RAV Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Officer; Caroline Carroll, Open Place Community Education Coordinator, and Forgotten Australian; and Michelle McDonald, Senior Manager Open Place.

We look forward to further recognising this important event at a more formal face-to-face gathering in future, when the COVID-19 situation and official health advice allows.

To contact Open Place for information and support:

Call 1800 779 379